15 Aug 2014



The blessed land of Al-Quds,
Humanity has let you down,
While we live in peace and tranquility,
In abject misery we have let you drown.


Your land stolen by colonialists,
To assuage their collective guilt.
If they were seeking redemption,
The land of Israel on their shores could they have built.


Al-Quds was once a land,
Of olive groves where shepherds roamed,
Where people of the Book,
With tolerance they made their homes.


Where children once grew up,
Without witnessing the horrors of unjust wars.
Where Zionists with tanks and drones,
Did not demolish your ancestral homes.


For a people, who were once subject to hate and oppression,
To show such contempt and disdain for human life.
To hope their hearts would be filled with compassion,
Yet their legacy is atrocity and strife.


How many illegal settlements and imprisoning walls must they build?
Which of your resources must they steal and divert?
For nations to wake from their slumber,
And within their hearts feel your pain and hurt?

Oh people of Palestine,
The ummah has let you down.
Our rulers impotent and emasculated by their apathy,
Sit on thrones adorned in jewels and crowns.


How many Palestinians must die?
How many mosques and homes must burn?
For the tyrants and their cronies,
To show an ounce of concern?


Oh noble people of Palestine,
I salute your strength and defiance!
No other people would endure with dignity and grace,
Such disproportionate violence.


They may imprison a whole nation,
They may murder your daughters and sons.
But your hearts and ideas cannot be caged,
By any army and their arsenal of tanks and guns.

Free, Free Palestine!
